Saturday, November 28, 2009

Make Money Quick - Is It Possible?

Blogging May Be Your Answer

If you're trying to make money quick, then you might feel a sense of desperation.

There are many times where not having enough money can make it feel like the walls are closing in on you. Is there a way to earn the money you need as quickly as you need it?

The answer to this question depends on a variety of factors. The first is how motivated you are. Rough times are often motivating!

When you have some kind of deadline where you have to earn money fast, it tends to give you reason to take action fast.

Another factor that determines whether or not you can make money quick is if you have the skills to do so. The Internet is probably the fastest way to earn money these days.

If you have simple skills like typing and being able to read your e-mail, you have what it takes to earn money online.

Something else you have to keep in mind is that people have different definitions of "quick." For some this means earning a certain amount within few months, and for others it means earning it the next day.

While it is possible for you to earn money quick if you have some Internet marketing skills already, it is generally much better to focus on passive income.

That way the money will be there when you need it and you'll have the ability to earn money 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year -- whether you are at your computer or not.

One of the most popular ways to ensure you have this kind of income is to become a blogger.

Blogging is a way to quickly create your own websites. Blog software like Wordpress comes search engine optimized so you can focus on writing posts and earning money and not worrying about whether your site is formatted properly for the search engines.

While you can get started blogging on your own, if you truly want to make money quick it's best to have a tutorial to guide you.

When I started blogging, I was lucky enough to have found The Niche Blogger , which is an amazing membership site that taught me everything I needed to know.

This site is helpful no matter how you learn best. There are videos, text, and even areas to ask questions so you never feel like you're stuck.

One of the best parts about the site is the forum where members are able to interact and discuss all aspects of blogging with one another.

It's a great feeling to know that you can make money quick with your blogs. The real money comes in passively over time, so you may never find yourself in this situation again!

Learning from a great tutorial will put you well on your way to getting your blog up and running faster than you ever thought possible.

Want to Make Money Blogging? Click Here to Discover How...


Friday, November 27, 2009

Make money with Web

Instead of trying to get ahead at a regular 9-to-5 job, you might consider trying to make money on the Web through blogging.

There are many people who have decided that this is the lifestyle they prefer to lead. Becoming a blogger can truly replace your income and give you the opportunity to stay home and work for yourself.

This wasn't possible even the few short years ago. The Internet is still in its relative infancy!

This is good news for you if this opportunity sounds like a good fit. Understanding how bloggers earn their income and find their way on the web will help you take advantage of this growing opportunity to be your own boss.

Think about the reasons why you go on the Internet. For many people, it's to research information, find entertainment, or make a purchase.

The way many people find the things they're looking for is through the use of search engines. They will usually enter a key term or search phrase to find this.

The search engines use algorithms to determine which pages are most likely to contain the information the searcher is looking for.

As a blogger, you're going to target these key terms through your blog posts in order to to rank highly in the search engines. Your content is going to draw people in through the use of personal style and quality information.

Since many people make purchases on the Web, your own blog can include advertisements that pay you.

The way advertisements work differs depending on the ad company you choose to sign up with and use on your blog. Google's own Adsense pays you whenever someone clicks on an ad -- whether they end up buying or not.

There are many affiliate companies that pay you when a customer makes a purchase after having clicked on your designated affiliate link.

These payouts are usually greater than Adsense, but only come when someone makes a purchase.

Bloggers tend to make consistent posts in hopes to keep their readers coming back time and time again. The more content you have, the more pages you will have out there ranking in the search engines, pulling in traffic, and potentially making you a lot of money through the ads you've chosen.

If you have decided that trying to make money on the Web through blogging sounds a good opportunity for you, you're not alone!

I was also very excited about this opportunity, but wasn't sure where to start. Thankfully, I stumbled upon with The Niche Blogger - The Niche Blogger membership site, which definitely put me to the right path to start my blogging.

Just like you would go to school to train for a 9-to-5 job, you can consider The Niche Blogger your school for blogging. Unlike other schools' content, this is something you actually want to study and learn about.

It's a lot easier than you might think to get started -- there is a short learning curve and then you can have your own blog (or multiple blogs!) up and running before you know it.

Want to Make Money Blogging? Click Here to Discover How...


Monday, November 23, 2009

Blogging - Make money at Home

The desire to work at home in your PJs is something that doesn't escape many people.

Getting in your car early in the morning, downing some coffee, and desperately trying to motivate yourself to complete work you don't like to do is something that you're probably desperate to eliminate in your life as soon as possible.

The good news is that you can make money at home online with Niche Blogger. to supplement or even replace your income. It's all made possible through blogging!

You probably read blogs all the time. There are literally millions of blogs out there on every conceivable topic.

However, you might not have considered yourself a blogger before! It's important to get rid of the thoughts that you are not a blogger right now, because this could be the way you are able to change your life for the better.

Instead of sneaking a peek at some blogs at your 9-to-5 job, you can be the one sitting at home and writing these blogs that other people read!

You'll not only be providing great content for people, you'll also be pulling in some great money that can literally change your life.

Getting rid of the doubt that you can do this is going to be an important first step. As long as you are able to compose and send an e-mail, you can be a blogger!

All you need is a tutorial that will show you step-by-step how to do this. It's also important to have motivation and encouragement. The absolute best place to get this online is The Niche Blogger.

This membership site is good for the newbie and intermedia marketer. In fact, many of the people who join the membership site are brand-new.

The good thing is that there is a whole mix of experience levels so you are sure to be able to find help among the community whenever you need it.

The startup cost is incredibly low as well -- making sure that those who want to join to escape their jobs are able to do so. Even if you're happy with your job, it never hurts to get some added money coming in. Blogging is fun!

You are probably aware that companies spend millions and millions of dollars in order to attract customers. Part of their advertising costs online go to a affiliates.

These affiliates place ads on their websites and blogs and their readers often make purchases. When readers make purchases, the blog owner makes money! It really is as easy as that.

All you need to do is be on the other end of things and become the one whose links customers buy through.

The main difference between being able to make money at home online and going to a 9-to-5 job is that you are now in business for yourself.

There is no reason to limit yourself into thinking that you have to stay at a job you don't like forever. Become your own boss and work at home in your PJs so you can do what you want to do, when you want to do it.

Never Fear a Job Loss! Become a Professional Blogger Today and Earn a Living Online. Take Your Income into Your Own Hands. The Niche Blogger.

: Free Niche Blogger Report - How Amy Bass earns $5,000 a Month Niche Blogging and How You Can Do It Too!


Sunday, November 8, 2009

Crossing The Equator Ceremony

Crossing the Line ceremonies matched the initiation ceremonies of many medieval guilds, and by the 16th century, a pattern of customs had emerged in European shipping to provide a ‘baptism’ for all sailors aboard who have not previously crossed the equator. Neptune, usually the oldest sailor who had crossed the equator the most…and his retinue would come over the bows of the ship and take over the deck. The retinue might consist of, among others, ‘Davy Jones’ or the Devil, two ‘Bears’, men dressed in skins who would pull Neptune’s chariot, a ‘Barber’ and a ‘Doctor’. Often Neptune was accompanied by Amphritrite, the wife of Triton or Neptune, usually a young sailor dressed up with a wig and outlandish female clothing.

The ceremony of crossing the line is an initiation rite in the Royal Navy, U.S. Navy, Indian Navy and other navies which commemorate a sailor's first crossing of the equator. Originally the tradition was created as a test for seasoned sailors to ensure their new shipmates were capable of handling long rough times at sea. Sailors who have already crossed the equator are nicknamed Shellbacks, often referred to as Sons of Neptune; those who have not are nicknamed Pollywogs.

"King Neptune and his court" (usually including his first assistant Davy Jones and her Highness Amphitrite and often various dignitaries, who are all represented by the highest ranking seamen) officiate at the ceremony, during which the Pollywogs undergo a number of increasingly disgusting ordeals (wearing clothing inside out and backwards; crawling on hands and knees on non-skid coated decks; being swatted with short lengths of firehose; being locked in stocks and pillories and pelted with mushy fruit; crawling through chutes and large tubs of rotting garbage; kissing the Royal Baby's belly coated with axle grease, hair chopping, etc), largely for the entertainment of the Shellbacks.

Once the ceremony is complete, a Pollywog receives a certificate declaring his new status. Another common status is the Golden shellback, a person who has crossed the equator at the 180th meridian (International Date Line).

A watered-down version of the ceremony, typically featuring King Neptune, is also sometimes carried out for passengers' entertainment on civilian ocean liners and cruise ships.

In 1995, a notorious line crossing ceremony took place on an Australian submarine HMAS Onslow. Sailors undergoing the ceremony were physically and verbally abused before being subjected to an act called "sump on the rump", where a dark liquid was daubed over each sailor's anus and genitalia. One sailor was then sexually assaulted with a long stick before all sailors undergoing the ceremony were forced to jump overboard until permitted to climb back aboard the submarine.

A videotape of the ceremony was obtained by the Nine Network and aired on Australian television. The television coverage provoked widespread criticism, especially when the videotape showed some of the submarine's officers watching the entire proceedings from the conning tower.

Most navies have, since then, instituted regulations which prohibit physical attacks on sailors undergoing the crossing the line ceremony. In modern times, rather than a dreaded rite of initiation, the line crossing ceremony has become a popular tradition in many traditional Navies and Coast Guards.

Line crossing ceremonies are also carried out on some merchant navy ships. However, without the oversight of military justice, they can often get out of hand and lead to the abuse and assault which occurred in line crossing ceremonies of the past.
