Sunday, October 11, 2009

Do what makes you happy

I would like to post tips and links for those who are leaving Indian Navy and set their mind to explore the great opportunities in the industries such as Off-shore, Shipping, Education & Training, Safety and Security etc.

Doing what you enjoy doing and make a living from it is the most important in life. One of the top keys to being successful in life is doing what makes you happy. Keep in mind that success has a lot more to do with it than making a lot of money. Success is also based on how happy you are in your line of work, having a lower stress level, being able to spend more time with family and friends, and spending more time doing what you enjoy. Don’t back yourself into a corner thinking that the only way to be successful is by collecting a huge pay check.

If you do what makes you happy in life, it will seem more like play rather than work. You’ll be more enthusiastic, feel more creative, and your energy levels will stay consistent rather than the constant roller coaster you may be riding now. If you can’t stay interested in your work, success will be hard to come by and it will quickly slip through your fingers.

There is a better world waiting for you. You must be ready to face the challenges and get succeed. You should choose your area of interest and sharpen your skills in that field. See all the challenges as opportunity given to you. Face it with positive attitude. Success is yours.


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